The Mirador de Acuchimay is a tourist place that you cannot miss when you arrive in the city of Huamanga in Ayacucho. The battle of Acuchimay took place here, in which our army defeated the Chilean army on February 18, 1882. But the story goes that travelers headed for the jungle passed through this beautiful place. Whoever arrived used to say Acuchi that it was the order and May that it was coca, so over time this place was baptized with the name of Acuchimay.
Located to the west of the district of Luricocha, it is a natural viewpoint that is at an altitude of 3150 meters above sea level. from where you can see a beautiful panorama of the union of three rivers: Cachi, Urubamba and Mantaro, you can also see the Izqana canyon whose beauty is impressive and inspires much fear due to its depth. It has a total area of ​​three hectares. Around it you can see huge orchards full of fruit trees and vegetables, the nurseries of IDESI, Huayramolino and the Iribamba Experimental Center.
The climate of the canyon is temperate and dry; In this area there are species of flora such as: a variety of cacti, bromeliads, agave, tara, muña, pichus, among others. As for the existing fauna in the area, we can mention: Andean puma, fox, skunk, wild cat, weasel, muca, condor, eagle, kestrel, hummingbird of various sizes and colors, cute china, among others. Near the place is the chapel of the Lord of Huatuscalla in which a traditional festival of the Crosses is held every May 3. There is a royal road that leads to Huatuscalla, currently there are walks to the Huatuscalla canyon, from the town of Luricocha, which is 3 hours away. of walk. People who practice mystical rituals come at times when there are no visits, to make the payment to Mother Earth and Apu Huatuscalla.
The Acuchimay Viewpoint is a beautiful viewpoint where you can see much of the city, in the viewpoint there is a statue of Christ the Redeemer, a small coliseum, a reception center, observation points and arches.
The Mirador de Acuchimay was the scene of the Battle of Acuchimay on February 18, 1882, in which the Peruvian army under the command of Marshal Andrés Avelino Cáceres defeated the Chilean army.
The Mirador de Acuchimay is located in the district of Carmen Alto, in the province of Huamanga in the department of Ayacucho.
Both terms together are pronounced ACUCHIMAY; it meant where is the coca leaf; hence the name that until now our hill bears”.
Located in the district of Carmen Alto and it is said that it was once a volcano
Our prices are based on offers in high season (Easter). In another season, bus tickets are from S/. 40.00
After the occupation of Lima, a meeting of notables appointed Francisco García Calderón as provisional president. He decides to start peace negotiations with Chile. Piérola, who was Supreme Chief of Peru, appointed Andrés Avelino Cáceres as commander in chief of the Army of the Center. Thus, there were two governments: García Calderón's, supported by Lima and Chile, and Piérola's, supported at that time by the majority of the population.
Rear Admiral Lizardo Montero also ignores Piérola and accepts the position of Vice President of the García Calderón government. However, by that time the Magdalena government had been dismantled by the Chilean Army. Cáceres, for his part, recognized Montero as president of Peru.
On December 9, 1881, Cáceres ordered the Army of the South, commanded by Arnaldo Panizo, to mobilize to Huarochirí. At that time several desertions occurred, among them those of Colonel José Barredo and half of the Dos de Mayo Regiment, which made the mobilization impossible. Cáceres was informed about this fact and on the 30th he ordered that Huancayo be mobilized, since the Army of the Center urgently needed reinforcements.
Panizo finds out about the new orders and, at the same time, about Cáceres joining the government of García Calderón. Panizo writes a personal letter to the Political Chief and Superior of the Army of the Center exposing his strangeness and reaffirming that if this were true, the Army of the South would withdraw from the conflict. Cáceres decides to submit the south to the government.
The Battle of Acuchimay was a confrontation between the head of the Army of the Center, Andrés Avelino Cáceres, and the head of the Army of the South, Arnaldo Panizo. It happened on February 22, 1882, in the middle of the Pacific War.
Cáceres climbed Mount Acuchimay on horseback with his escort. Cáceres's forces barely reached 500 men; Panizo commanded about 1,500. However, during the combat many of Panizo's men went over to Cáceres' side. Arnaldo Panizo, aware of the consequences of an internal war in the midst of an international conflict, surrenders. One of his colonels, Juan Vargas Quintanilla, may have fatally attacked Cáceres's forces, but convinced of the need to keep the country united in the midst of war, he also laid down his arms.
After this event, Cáceres enters Ayacucho triumphantly, applauded by popular fervor. A few days after the cacerista triumph, the defeated were subjected to a court martial; but Cáceres pardoned them, stating that he was leaving them free so that they could be rehabilitated.
Colonel Arnaldo Panizo was never removed from the military ranks. Colonel Vargas Quintanilla joined the Army of the Center.
In the city of Ayacucho, in southern Peru, you will find various attractions to enjoy an unforgettable and affordable trip. Known for its beautiful churches and colonial mansions, it is a destination that combines history, culture and dreamlike architecture that captivates both domestic and foreign tourists.
Here we detail four spaces that you can visit in Ayacucho without spending a single sun on your next trip.