 Mystical City of Cusco
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Mystical City of Cusco

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Mystical City of Cusco

Cusco is an extremely mystical city; is known for having been the capital of the Inca empire, but its story begins much earlier. Nowadays it is still the center of the universe for many since for some reason Cusco is considered to be the "navel" of the world. In this small blog, you will know the 4 most popular and famous legends about the great empire of the Incas


The Ayar brothers

  • According to this myth, in very remote times four brothers appeared with their respective sisters who were their wives at the same time: Ayar Manco, Ayar Cachi, Ayar Ucho and Ayar Auca, all of whom came from caves or pacarinas located in the Tamputocco hill that qued to the place called Pacaritambo, near Paruro, south of Cusco. Pacarina means, precisely, place of origin; and they, in search of a fertile land to reside, emigrated north, towards Cusco. This pilgrimage lasted several years, during which prodigious events took place, such as the transformation of Ayar Cachi in a sparrowhawk, and the transformation of Ayar Ucho into an idol of stones that later became known as huaca of huanacauri. Meanwhile, Ayar Auca, converted into a bird, took possession of the site where the temple of the sun was later erected; after which he also transformed himself into an idol or a stone huaca.Fnally Ayar Manco , founded Qosqo, the navel of the world.

Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo 

  • This legend expresses that in very ancient times the sun god "Inti" felt sorry for the savagery and barbarism in which the people lived, for that reason he decided to send two of his sons to start a teaching and learning campaign until they became real human beings. Those children of his, called Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo, were fired at Lake Titicaca, where they left to travel the Andean land. He gave them a golden rod to be buried in all the places where they arrived, and they stayed settled in the place where it sank. They emigrated to the north, arrived at Tamputocco, from which they passed to Huanacauri and finally arrive in the Sacred Valley of Cusco, where the rod sank in the ground. There they stayed and fulfilling the mandate of the sun god, they took root to form a small manor. Manco Cápac, then, devoted himself to teaching all the crafts, techniques and other works necessary to get the Andean men out of their primitivism; Mama Ocllo, on the other hand, towards the same thing about women. So says the legend, is how the Peruvians learned the techniques of agriculture, ceramic farming, textile, culinary art, etc.

The God Huiracocha 

  • In ancient Peru it was narrated about the origin of man, that the god Huiracocha, at a time when there was no sun, no moon, no stars in the sky, came to the Andean land (which already existed before Huiracocha) and created a first generation of men and women, but of very high stature; It turned out, however, that this first generation behaved badly, even forgot its creator, for which Huiracocha considered them arrogant and punished them by turning them into stone, which are what can be seen now in Tiahuanaco. Then came a great flood, terribly huge. But after Huiracocha visited the island of Titicaca, where he created the sun, the moon and the stars to illuminate the earth. From there he went to Tiahuanaco and decided to create the definitive human generation, although this time in his image and likeness and of low stature only. Then, in pairs, he submerged them in Lake Titicaca; and these people, diving, went deeper into the waters until they found openings or caverns in the walls and floors of the lake. Through them they penetrated until they left by other openings and mouths that were located in hills, puquios and trees of diverse provinces. It was then that, as couples began to populate the Andean world. These people created and sent by Huiracocha knew how to speak, dressed and had a series of knowledge taught by the same god Huiracocha. The openings through which they emerged ashore were called "pacarinas" (caves where the sun rises or rises). After Huiracocha created the animals; and in this work he had as assistants two very intelligent and powerful men. As can be seen, in the ancient myth of Huiracocha, when he arrived at the island of Titicaca, to the earth he found it created, he only gave birth to men, animals and plants.


  • Ollantay was a powerful general of the Inca Empire who enjoyed the admiration of Emperor Pachacutec, but had a secret relationship with his daughter Cusi Coyllur. It was a forbidden love because Ollantay was of plebeian origin. At the beginning of the work, the servant Piqui Chaqui and the priest Willac Umu ask Ollantay to forget Cusi Coyllur, but the young warrior decides to go before Pachacútec and confess his desire to marry the princess. As expected, the emperor despised him and his daughter locked her in the Acllahuasi. Ollantay was enraged and revolted against Pachacútec. He won a battle and entrenched himself in the Ollantaytambo fortress, where he remained a rebel for several years. Meanwhile, during his confinement Cusi Coyllur had a daughter of Ollantay called Ima Súmaq. She grew up separated from her mother, but when she turned 10 she discovered the truth thanks to her wet nurse Pitu Salla. Pachacútec died in those days and was replaced by his son Tupac Yupanqui. He sent General Rumiñahui to capture Ollantay with a trick: he pretended that the Inca had punished him and that he wanted to go over to his side. Ollantay took pity and let him enter Ollantaytambo. Shortly afterwards, during a party, Rumiñahui opened the doors of the fortress for his troops to enter. Ollantay was captured and brought before Tupac Yupanqui. Everyone thought that Ollantay would be executed, but the Sapa Inca forgave him and freed him. He even named him as his lieutenant. At that moment the little Ima Súmaq appeared asking for the release of her mother Cusi Coyllur from Acllahuasi. Tupac Yupanqui learned everything, freed his sister and allowed him to marry Ollantay.


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